Sunday, August 20, 2023 August 20, 2023 PaulSoulekMedia PreludeNow Thank We All Our GodKyrie and This Is the Feast - LSB Setting OneAlleluia and VerseTell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the LordPsalm 67 - Let All the Peoples Praise GodPreface through SanctusAcclamationAgnus DeiTo Thee, Omniscient Lord of AllO Living Bread from HeavenChildren of the Heavenly FatherJesus Shall ReignOn Galilee's High MountainLord, Bid Your Servant Go in PeacePostlude - Now Thank We All Our GodHoly God, We Praise Thy NameO Lord, Hear My PrayerNow Thank We All Our God 11 - CalvinPostlude 11 - Calvin and Buxtehude Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voices…